Monday, June 18, 2007

Writing Prompt #10

Given the learning curve associated with all things technological and the time it takes to master and effectively employ new technologies in any aspect of our lives . . .
  1. Where do we find the time to explore the bleeding edge, mining and mastering new technologies, and
  2. How do we fit teaching these new, non-subject specific skills and their attendant issues (see prompt #8) into our already overburdened instructional time?
  3. Finally, how do we avoid the time sinkhole computers can become?
(Contributed by Mauro Staiano)

Please post your response to Google Docs by Wednesday, January 30. Once you've shared your response, please reply to someone else's by Sunday, February 3. Thank you.

To refresh your memory about how to post to Google Docs (opening and naming a new file, sharing with the rest of the ATI2007 gang), follow this link.