Sunday, March 9, 2008

Leslie's WR#10

Mea Culpa. I'm offering no excuses for my late homework, which is unfortunate in a way because working with students for so much of my life, I have loads of them, some of which are creative enough to believe.

I'm not going to rant; I'm going to confess. If I think seriously about time and the way I spend the time alloted to me, I have to confess that I usually find time to do the things I really want to do. My next confession is that I'm concerned more about my interest in computer technology than having the time to learn it. However, there is one huge factor that affects my interest and that is the ability to use the technology. I'm talking about technology that may be used in the classroom for teaching and learning. I used to have ten weeks a year to use ct in the classroom; this year it will be a paltry eight weeks. Because I don't teach during the regular school year, I don't have access to even basic programs such as Blackboard. I think that problem also drives what may seem like an over practical nature, but if I'm going to learn and use ct in the class (for eight or ten weeks), I need to know or at least strongly hope that my students are going to learn from it.
I'm sure you don't want me to tell you how to avoid the time sinkhole that computers can become, which again is unfortunate seeing that I''m an expert at that, frequently not even turning my computer on when I'm home.

Finally, good people, to completely change the subject, I cannot wait until Feb. 25th to catch up. Anyone who reads this will know that I'm expecting my second granddaughter about the middle of April by the same local son Eric and daughter-in-law Vong who are the parents of my first granddaughter, Serena.

Congratulations on the coming baby! ~Vicki

I think anyone who uses Latin should automatically be forgiven anything. One day, I'd love to read The Best of Student Excuses. Hmmmm. Maybe on a blog. . . . Tracy