Monday, January 1, 2001

Harriet's WR#8

Oh, I wish I had the article to read. Is it available online? Yes, here. ~Mauro

Somehow my students don't turn in their emergency forms, but everyone has photo, video and internet permissions, so at least I have that. The sound quality is so bad on my movie, that it is hard to ID the kids by name (some protection).

I don't show up on google any more, although my Redwood Writing Project writings used to show up. I have been in several news articles and those don't show up. (I didn't scroll through all the pages, but it looks unlikely). I post on a bulletinboard, and feel pretty safe doing so--none of that has ever shown up, and wouldn't be a problem even if it did. I know a teacher who posted inappropriately via email, and the transcripts are legally available online.

I did not get permission to use the music in the first grade movie, and even forgot to give it a credit. That puts me in a bad position. I wasn't even thinking when I posted it. I will write for permission and see what happens. I'm not posting my "Lucky" digital story without permission from Pink Martini, whose song I used. I have a contact for them, so hopefully I'll get a response. I need to learn to make my own music. I will have students do their own. It is easiest to have them do their own photos and art as well--saves on the plagarism and copyright issues.

I hate doing banking online, but I do it anyway. I guess I have a lot of trust these days, and hopefully it is well-founded.

Hi Harriet, it's Catherine. Funny how some forms are high priority and others aren't isn't it? Your Lucky digital story is so good it is worth getting the proper permissions and posting it. How do you learn to make your own music? By playing around with Garage Band? I so want a "session" with you to learn how to begin doing digital story telling. I have a parent volunteer who is interested in helping me, so the first time you do a presentation, I want to be there--sooner if possible! I just bought a microphone that has a digital flash drive built in and I'm hoping that will make digital recording a snap for me. It will come next week. I guess if our conversation is about safety, these digital stories need not be circulated on the web, but could circulate in a school community via discs. As for banking on line, I'm still not brave enough--I'm not sure if it is a safety issue, or just not wanting to take the time to set up one more thing. I'll bet it saves time in the long run though.

On a personal note, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's illness--please let me know if Megan or I can help with anything. We are thinking of you, your sisters, and your girls.

Thanks, Catherine. I am just trying to make life as good as possible, for as long as possible, one step at a time.

I am on page 2 and 10 of google as a teacher, and on page 17 as signer of "Stop the Governator" (oh oh-- but I have no regrets).

I'm happy to teach you how to imovie. Our next first grade project will be about scary things--it will be more story and less reciting, I think. I think I am going to be part of a project on love and forgiveness with KEET (and digital stories)--I'll let you know about that.

I am proud of my "Lucky" story and won't post it without permissions. Will try for them soon (on my list, haven't done it yet).

I need a mic for my iPod or just to connect to the computer--haven't gotten one yet and haven't checked to see what was recommended by the Center for Digital Storytelling. I just use what is easy, and what I have right now (quality be damned--although I'd like to improve it, I'm not too flush right now).

Garageband is how I plan to have the kids make their own music, or they could sing or hum if they want. I am going for total creative control--no searching for photos or art--make your own. I think it is the right thing to do. It's first grade though, so for now I'm still doing group projects where I do the production, but when I get more skills, I hope to have them do individual stories with me producing, and then move into helping them do the production. (Who am I kidding? I am one adult with 12 uncivilized children --quite different than 12 civilized children.)

Hope your year is going well. I had to ask for the RWP blogs, including yours, to be unblocked. I don't want to show the kids, but professionally, I want access.


Harriet, I would like to announce the Tracy Duckart Microphone Grant--and the winner of this year's grant: YOU! Please tell me what you want, and I'll find a way to get it. You are so innovative and generous, and I'd like to help, so please help me to learn how. Thank you. Plus, Catherine will burst unless you show her what she wants to know. Plus you and Trish will be the most popular ATI2007 presenters: teachers WANT/NEED to learn digital storytelling.

About your RWP writings: once upon a time, the National Writing Project used to sponsor x number of blogs on Manila. We were granted two--one of which served as the RWP eAnthology. Now, however, that funding or access or hosting or whatever has expired, so I'm shifting our eAnthology submissions to Blogger. Until I get it convenient and pretty, I'm keeping the blog private, but as soon as it's ready, I'll announce the unveiling, and you'll garner a bunch more Google hits than you do now. Really. I promise. Tracy

Wow! Did I just win a prize? Cool. Thanks.

I don't really need more google hits. Really.
If you google "Harriet's Story Blog", you can get to my blog.

Grace and Nora are mastering garage band, photoshop, and photo booth--then they'll teach me. They have a podcast called "The Edna and Margo Show" which is pretty funny (it's only available at home so far). It's especially funny if you are between 9 and 12. Reminds me of the taped radio shows I did at that age (and the plays before we had a tape recorder).

I am working a digital story about my underground rr trip this summer. And I am really looking forward to presenting. That will be a challenge, because you can't produce stories in a single workshop.

Thanks Mauro and Catherine for linking the article. I didn't even think to look for it.