Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tracy's WR#7
Please reflect on your progress to date. What have you accomplished so far? How much of a start do you have on your project? What gaps do you see now? What do we need to fill in those gaps?

I don't have much product to show yet (except for a wiki title--thanks, Mauro!), but I think I've made some good strides in my thinking. Mostly I've been thinking about how to break down the task into logical, do-able parts; how to make those parts meaningful on at least two levels; and how to gather resources. I know I want my students to look at a bunch of wikis, to review them critically: to see what they offer and how folks set them up and how (and if) others contribute. Then I want them to gather data on the term they chose to define. Yesterday, I made some decisions about those resources and started gathering them, but I'll need to do my own definition--go on my own journey--before I can complete this section. I want them to make conscious decisions about their wiki layout and I want that consciousness to transfer to the resultant definition essays. I think I need to think more about outcomes and how I will measure those outcomes. I need to do Vicki's backwards planning thing (thanks, Vicki!).

I've also learned a lot about how humans learn to do things with computers from you all. We are all smart and capable and motivated, and I've learned from watching your discoveries, frustrations, triumphs, work-arounds, and reactions to my "directions." Thanks to you all!

What do I need to fill in the gaps? Well, there's the usual: time. Of course. Mostly I need to DO what I know I need to do. I would also like help gathering resources, and that's where the wiki Geek Goodies page comes in. I would love you all to post resources you find that could help me there. I would also like to be able to share drafts of my handouts / online directions and get your feedback. May I impose, when the time comes?

During the course of the tech project, I would like to share progress (here's what's happening, here's a problem, here's an unexpected good thing), I would like to show you what my students are doing and benefit from your insights.

Once my students and I are up and running, I too will send out invitations so you can see how it is working. I plan to have my students check out some of your students' wikis (like semicolon). I appreciate all the time we are allowed to flounder and find out it isn't that hard after all. I promise to make time to go to Geek Goodies and Goodle Docs and keep in touch with my progress. Vicki

Of course I'll share, assuming I remember amid the hustle and bustle. Thank you for giving us this place to share and bounce ideas, not to mention these six days of fun with computers (sometimes frustrating fun, but never-the-less, fun). You are definitely the tech goddess of our little group of divas... ~Mauro

I love the buddy system! And am looking forward to sharing/getting help/ and hopefully even helping! --Harriet

Your quest is far beyond me. I need you to know how much I have appreciated your help and support. Your presence gives me confidence. Sandi Moon