Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Leslie's WR #7

After using Calibrated Peer Rreview (CPR) in my summer class with some degree of success, but not as much as I would have liked (details at 10:00), I finally have had the time, thanks to the ATI, to sit in front of a computer and thoroughly explore the CPR program. It may seem strange that I hadn't done that a lot earlier, but I had found out as much as I could until I got "student results." Once the students finished their assignments, more of the program is available to see. Unfortunately, as the students finished their assignments, I was teaching, trying to sell my house, and just living in general, not even gardening much. Happily, the next time I teach, I think I will be able to use CPR to much better effect.

You do not give yourself enough credit. Your project was terrific and you navigated it with finesse. I am definitely interested in CPR, but am not ready to take it on. I think it is a project that would benefit me and my Comp kids, but I am not able to give it the time I need to in order to be successful. But I will! Thank you for finding it and going out on that limb for us so we can learn from you and your experience. Vicki

I suspect, Leslie, that you found what you needed when you needed it. Would you have been "ready" for the stuff you found this week if you had found it three months ago? I think you did a spectacular job, and now you have groupies! Tracy